Journey Builder: how to build automation from scratch in the Marketing Cloud
Do you want to start building Marketing Cloud automations and don’t know where to start? Do you need guidelines on how to follow a customer journeys strategy? Do you have doubts about how to combine Automation studio and Journey Builder?
If the answer to any of these questions is “yes”, the ebook “Journey builder: how to build automation from scratch in the Marketing Cloud” will help you answer these and other questions.
Through seven chapters you will learn how to create effective customer journeys in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
->1. What is Marketing Cloud?
->2. What is a customer journey?
->3. The importance of automation.
->4. What is journey builder? Building the journey in the cloud marketing canvas
->5. How to plan a journey? Strategy to follow
->6. Using Automation Studio + Journey Builder
->7. Monitoring and optimising performance by reviewing metrics
Don’t hesitate and download it now!