How to warm up an IP for Marketing Cloud?


Marketing Cloud

The purpose of IP warming is to create a good reputation and a solid foundation for an IP of ours that has never been used for sending emails. The goal is to create a sending history so that email service providers do not detect it as unusual behavior, so that our emails do not fall into the spam folder.

Ip Warming: Building Email Sending Reputation from Scratch

Reasons to Perform IP Warming

It is necessary to carry out the IP Warming process when we become Marketing Cloud customers, as the IP addresses we obtain have never been used for sending emails. This will help us generate a good reputation for the IP address from the beginning; since, in addition, email service providers are suspicious when it comes to receiving emails from a new IP. That’s why gradual warming helps to gain this trust.

Another reason why we should perform IP warming is to avoid and/or reduce the risk of emails sent from our IP being marked as spam. The reason for this is that email service providers can detect unusual shipments, and IP warming prevents these spam filters from being activated.

The goal of IP warming is to generate a history as a preventive measure, building a good base for email sending reputation. In this way, our shipments have a higher probability of being successfully delivered.

How to Successfully Complete IP Warming

As we mentioned earlier, the process is gradual and should be carried out approximately in 30 days by completing shipments. And for better guidance, we can indicate some steps that can help to complete the IP warming successfully:

  • The first thing we will do is segment our customer base, so it is advisable to start sending emails to small segments that are very committed to the brand. These initial shipments are the basis for determining the IP reputation.
  • The next thing is to establish shipping parameters. To do this, we are going to divide the base into gradual amounts that will be sent in a specific period, we will start sending to a small amount and then we will increase.
  • As we send the respective emails and increase their volume, we must monitor metrics considering especially the opening rates, clicks, bounce and complaints. And in turn adjusting as necessary. For this reason, continuous monitoring is recommended.
  • If in any case we notice high bounce or complaint rates, before continuing we must analyze our shipping volume. That is, we must adapt our warming strategy according to the metrics and the behavior of the audience. In practice, it is advisable to make a data table. In this, we are going to place the domains and the days on which we will send the emails. Example:
IPS AND DOMAINDays 1-7Days 8-14Days 15-21Days 22 a 28Days 29 +
Todos los demás10.00020.00040.00080.000160.000
  • And finally, there are preparation guidelines for this warming. As mentioned earlier, the duration of IP warming depends on the number of subscribers. Generally, preparation applies to the first 30 days of shipping, and we will double the volume each week until we manage to send in a single email to all subscribers.

Warm Up Your IP to Achieve a Good Reputation in Email Sending

In conclusion, IP warming is a very important process to create a good email sending reputation and guarantee a higher delivery rate and openings of the emails sent. This will make our campaigns successful.

Marketing Cloud experts

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